Sometimes one photograph just doesn’t tell the whole story. Meet Cody. He’s a real cowboy, and he wan’t dull. He was jitterbug dancing with the lovely bride Anne and seemed to be having a great time. Maybe too great of time? As you can see Anne seems a bit scared by the second photograph. I find the series quite amusing. My goal with each wedding is to make each one remembered as happy, beautiful and romantic looking as possible. Though that is always in mind, I always want to tell the story that makes their wedding uniquely theirs. These moments aren’t necessarily the most flattering, but can often tell the best story. Its moments like these I couldn’t come up with if I wanted to. While I’m trying to improve in my fashion photography always trying to make brides look as stunning as possible. I will never stop with the wedding photojournalism as its what I truly fell in love with and made me become a wedding photographer.